

RYA Day Skipper online theory is an enjoyable entry level shorebased course that gives a rounded and practical introduction to the basics of navigation. The course is delivered fully online enabling you to complete it from the comfort of your own home and at your own pace. All course materials are provided in a handy navigator’s bag: including paper charts, training almanac, shorebased notes, Portland plotter and dividers. Instructor support and the cost of the exams is also included in your course price.

The Day Skipper syllabus is designed to give a new skipper the confidence to plan and safely undertake day time passages. It covers the basics of chartwork, tidal systems, seamanship, meteorology and collision regulations. It also deals with coming in and out of the harbour and the factors to consider when looking for an anchorage.

Next Steps

Armed with your newly-acquired theory knowledge, you are able to undertake the RYA Day Skipper practical course, which is typically held over 5 days.

Upon completion of both your RYA Day Skipper practical and theory course certificates, you are also able to apply for an ICC (International Certificate of Competence). Holding your ICC means you can bareboat charter a yacht in many countries worldwide.

About Sailing Course Online

This online theory course is delivered by our partner company, Sailing Course Online, who are a RYA Recognised Training Centre specialising in online training. The course content is specifically delivered for an online experience, with bite-sized modules, regular auto-marked tests, and full support from the instructors at Sailing Course Online whenever you need them.

By booking a RYA Coastal Skipper / Yachtmaster™ online theory course you are agreeing to Sailing Course Online’s terms and conditions. Access the full Sailing Course Online terms and conditions here.





The RYA Coastal Skipper / Yachtmaster™ online theory course is designed to give more experienced skippers the confidence to undertake longer and more complex passages which may involve sailing at night. The course is delivered fully online enabling you to complete it from the comfort of your own home and at your own pace.

All course materials are provided in a handy navigator’s bag: including paper charts, training almanac, shorebased notes, Portland plotter and dividers. Instructor support and the cost of the exams is also included in your course price.

The Coastal Skipper / Yachtmaster™ syllabus builds on knowledge already gained at a Day Skipper level. This includes chartwork, collision regulations, tidal height calculations, tidal streams, pilotage and passage planning, meteorology, and electronic navigation techniques.

Next Steps

Completing this theory course enables you to undertake an RYA Coastal Skipper or RYA Yachtmaster™ practical course, which is typically held over 5 days. It provides you with knowledge and confidence undertake more advanced passages, explore tranquil anchorages and visit foreign destinations. If your three exams are formally invigilated, you can also use it as a commercially-endorsed qualification and a stepping stone towards a career on the water.

About Sailing Course Online

This online theory course is delivered by our partner company, Sailing Course Online, who are a RYA Recognised Training Centre specialising in online training. The course content is specifically delivered for an online experience, with bite-sized modules, regular auto-marked tests, and full support from the instructors at Sailing Course Online whenever you need them.

By booking a RYA Coastal Skipper / Yachtmaster™ online theory course you are agreeing to Sailing Course Online’s terms and conditions. Access the full Sailing Course Online terms and conditions here.

Building Your Theory Skills Inspires Confidence on the Water

With content structured for a virtual experience, Sailing Course Online helps you gain theory knowledge that’s essential for when you’re out on the water. The courses we offer include RYA Day Skipper and RYA Coastal / Yachtmaster™.

Rated 4.8 stars out from 5 from genuine feedback on Feefo, Sailing Course Online has successfully delivered courses to thousands of students, many of whom have gone on to undertake a practical course. And although the course is online, you’re only an email away from fast and helpful support from Sailing Course Online’s team of qualified instructors.

Learning online brings many advantages for those who struggle to take five days off to learn in a classroom:

  • Online offers a no pressure approach – learn at your own pace.
  • Easy to follow course, with animations and 20+ videos that bring the content to life.
  • Bite-sized modules enable you to organise learning around day-to-day life.
  • Review your knowledge as many times as you like with the end of module tests.
  • A wealth of “Skipper’s Tips” give you extra real-life perspective on many of the topics.
  • Fast help from qualified instructors whenever you need it – no question is too silly!

The courses work seamlessly across PCs, Macs, and mobile devices, enabling you to learn anywhere you have an internet connection. Access to the exams is included, and as all exams are hand-marked, you will receive tailored feedback on your answers, giving you the confidence to put your newly acquired skills into practice.

A hard copy certificate is posted to you upon successful course completion.

Fast Help Whenever You Need It

Just because your course is online, doesn’t mean the support you get is remote as well. Use the email button in your Classroom for fast help with minor queries or arrange a telephone / video call for a more in-depth conversation.

The instructors who support Sailing Course Online are additionally RYA Yachtmaster™ Instructors. They’re 100% committed to giving you friendly and knowledgeable assistance. All exams are manually marked and helpful feedback is provided.

This course is run by sailingcourseonline.co.uk. To book this course please contact: LEARN@WHITETIPRACING.COM